I make games!

My Itch.io.


Unfortunately, one of the skills I lack and have never been able to pick up (despite trying!) is coding.
this means that when it comes to making games on my own, I have to stick to software that can handle
that part for me. Not to mention that my laptop is notoriously shitty, so much so that running Unreal & Unity
is basically a non-option. The current software I use is RPG Maker 2003. I try to make all games I make available
on both itch.io and RMN.

Solo Projects

Sweet (November 11, 2023) - Completed!

Sweet is a short 'spur of the moment' game I developed over the course of a few short
months last year after randomly getting inspired on Pinterest. A play on the phrase "home sweet home",
Sweet has you guide a small animal named Pike on his way back home after a long day at work.
Encounter and befriend strange creatures on your way!

Cold and Unforgiving (October 2, 2023) - Completed!

Cold and Unforgiving is my first ever game jam game, submitted for Ludum Dare 54 "Limited Space".
Follow four young adults along the coastline of northern Michigan on a hunt for a rumored ghost town.

Lobby Loitering (May 19, 2023) - Completed!

Official Page!

Lobby Loitering is my first full length game. You play as a guy named Marcel, who through a mistake
he could've never predicted, is transported to an alternate dimension. After meeting a mysterious
being in a dark room, he's guided through a string of portals to alternate worlds on the search for his
way back home. A lot of the environments are based on places I've visited in real life, and I
tried my hardest to emphasize the liminality and loneliness of these places in the game.
Also available on Steam!

ONE CREEK: the house (2022) - Completed!

In ONE CREEK: the house you play as a group of siblings who are stuck inside on a
rainy day. After the youngest one claims to have seen a ghost, a plan is devised to scare him
for real! This is a really short game I made in a month or so, to celebrate the three year
anniversary of a story I started working on called ONE CREEK.

Today I Went on a Quest (2021) - Completed!

Today I Went on a Quest is the first game I ever published.
Very silly, non-serious game with visuals inspired by the GBC. In this game, you play as Ryno,
a worker at a fast food restaurant called MagiBurger. He and two of his coworkers enter the
store on their day off to save their coworkers from a curse!

Group/Team Projects

Minor Scale (2023) - Beta Available!

As my senior capstone project, Minor Scale is a game set in a storybook world of
bugs and instruments. Help the peaceful critters protect their home from the evil crawlies with the
power of music.

One Week By Car (2022) - Completed!

As one of my two college junior-year class games, One Week By Car is a game about what happens
when you lose balance between work, school, and life as a college student. There's three minigames, each
based around different daily tasks. The game takes place over seven days across the semester and you watch as
the poor main character, Shroom, slowly loses his mind.
Also available on Steam!

Baker's Dozen (2022) - Demo(?) Available!

The second of my two college junior-year class games, Baker's Dozen is a dessert-themed platformer
centered around saving 12 (or 13?) different princesses as a baker looking to get her recipes back.
The protagonist doesn't have a canon name, but I think she should be called Martha Crocker.

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